Discover the Rêvimmo team
Our team photos are no exception.
CEO & Founder
IPI 507.700
Partner Brussels
IPI 514.086
Partner Hainaut-BW
IPI 514.851
Digital Marketing
At Rêvimmo, we believe in the principle of "one for all, all for one".
We want to help you sell, rent or buy. We are always doing our best to put the human aspect first.
Agency Mananger Brussels
IPI 516.518 (St)
Responsable d'agence Promotions & Herne
IPI 517.785 (ST)
Agency Manager Charleroi
We always have a spot for those who want to help us go the extra mile.
Responsable d'agence Brabant
Office Manager Brussels
Back Office
Back Office
Real estate agent
IPI 516.180 (ST)
Real Estate Agent
IPI 518 649 (ST)
Agent immobilier
IPI 514.368
Real Estate Consltant
Consultant Immobilier
Real Estate consultant
Real Estate Agent ST
IPI 518.163
Manager - Flanders De Koninck
IPI 507576
Real Estate Advisor
Real Estate Agent
IPI 507.893
Real Estate Advisor (Intern)
Real Estate Advisor (Intern)
Real Estate Advisor (ST)
Agent immobilier (St)
IPI 517.587 (ST)
Real estate Advisor (ST)
Real Estate Advisor (Intern)
Real Estate Advisor // Legal
Real Estate Advisor (Intern)
Real Estate Advisor (Intern)
In a few clicks, you can (perhaps) join a great adventure
Working at Rêvimmo