We do what we do seriously, without taking ourselves (too) seriously.

Our team photos are no exception.

Gaetano Capizzi

Gaetano Capizzi

CEO & Founder

IPI 507.700

Gali Baron

Gali Baron

Partner Brussels

IPI 514.086

Selim Marocchi

Selim Marocchi

Partner Hainaut-BW

IPI 514.851

François Snyders

François Snyders


Céline Giambona

Céline Giambona

Digital Marketing

Our strength is our team spirit

At Rêvimmo, we believe in the principle of "one for all, all for one".

Sebastien Nagy

Sebastien Nagy


A human agency above all

We want to help you sell, rent or buy. We are always doing our best to put the human aspect first.

Lamia Ghemari

Lamia Ghemari

Agency Mananger Brussels

IPI 516.518 (St)

Timé Falconi

Timé Falconi

Responsable d'agence Promotions & Herne

IPI 517.785 (ST)

Gerardino Larotonda

Gerardino Larotonda

Agency Manager Charleroi

Want to join our team?

We always have a spot for those who want to help us go the extra mile.

Carla Marchoul

Carla Marchoul

Responsable d'agence Brabant

Valentina Angelozzi

Valentina Angelozzi

Office Manager Brussels

Téo Franco

Téo Franco

Back Office

Romina Gaetani

Romina Gaetani

Back Office

Maeva D'Agata

Maeva D'Agata

Real estate agent

IPI 516.180 (ST)

Nabil Marmich

Nabil Marmich

Real Estate Agent

IPI 518 649 (ST)

Güvenç Sezgin

Güvenç Sezgin

Agent immobilier

IPI 514.368

Flavio Larotonda

Flavio Larotonda

Real Estate Consltant

Kevin Vanbutzeele

Kevin Vanbutzeele

Consultant Immobilier

Pascal D'isidoro

Pascal D'isidoro

Real Estate consultant

Nikos Kouraos

Nikos Kouraos

Real Estate Agent ST

IPI 518.163

Karin De Koninck

Karin De Koninck

Manager - Flanders De Koninck

IPI 507576

Patrick Opsomer

Patrick Opsomer

Real Estate Advisor

Sabrina Little

Sabrina Little

Real Estate Agent

IPI 507.893

Sarah Braye

Sarah Braye

Real Estate Advisor (Intern)

Arens Tordjman

Arens Tordjman

Real Estate Advisor (Intern)

Laura Dannoi

Laura Dannoi

Real Estate Advisor (ST)

Stefano Alfano

Stefano Alfano

Agent immobilier (St)

IPI 517.587 (ST)

Nathalie Assi

Nathalie Assi

Real estate Advisor (ST)

Harry Lefèvre

Harry Lefèvre

Real Estate Advisor (Intern)

Eléonore Delforge

Eléonore Delforge

Real Estate Advisor // Legal

Ilona Turco

Ilona Turco

Real Estate Advisor (Intern)

Lorenzo Bullo

Lorenzo Bullo

Real Estate Advisor (Intern)

Do you have real estate in your blood? Then join the Rêvimmo team!

Do you have real estate in your blood? Then join the Rêvimmo team!

In a few clicks, you can (perhaps) join a great adventure

Working at Rêvimmo